This simulation will focus on the following key items: Translate strategy into execution. Shifting from output to outcome. Aligning end-to-end teams. Creating buy-in from business and technical stakeholders. Creating an agile organization with supporting practices and cultural values. Dealing with changing and sometimes conflicting business priorities.
Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.
Zkuste živý kurz virtuálněBefore starting a SAFe® program or training, this simulation can be used to create a basic overview of what SAFe® is all about. This will increase the success rate of the program or training.
When finished a SAFe® training this simulation can support transferring knowledge from training to day to day work. Students can apply the theory into a realistic and safe learning environment to bring the knowledge to the level of understanding and applying.
The CEO also decided to mitigate the risks of the past and scale up the IT capabilities. To do this he has asked a SAFe® expert to start implementing SAFe® principles into the organization. This goals of this initiative are:
This goals of this initiative are:
Round 1
Strategic Themes
Plan-board containing the ‘projects’ that we want to run in the upcoming months. Therefore the team will start exploring the
Round 2
Features and Enablers
Team will receive a Program Kanban filled with new Features and Enablers (F&E). In this round, the team will take the following actions:
Round 3
It is time to start PI Planning!
The whole team works together as one to prepare the work for the next 8 weeks (4 sprints) by performing the following steps:
Round 4
Sprint. Sprint. Sprint!
After the 3 rounds the work is planned and ready to be built and deployed.
In this simulation we will not build any stories. In round 4 we will run 4 Sprints.
In each sprint the facilitator will bring in some Events, Feedback, Issues, Challenges to the team.
In this 4 round simulation a team of 8 students will work in different roles within Fly4You. Their job is to translate the business goals and milestones into working products to achieve the business goals set by the CEO.
However just like reality. There are conflicting business demands and goals from the various business line managers.
Too many demands for available resources. The IT organization also needs to make investments to scale up and enable business agility using new technologies.
At the same time as realizing the business goals the team has to adopt these new ‘scaled agile ways of working’ causing even more demands on scarce resources. In order to achieve these goals the team will follow a step by step plan based on the principles of SAFe®.
Z mnoha průzkumů vyplývá, že ženy jsou velice schopné projektové manažerky. Ano, je to pravda.
Mia má cenné zkušenosti, neboť téměř celou kariéru strávila řízením projektů. Mezi její klienty patří např.: Ministerstvo Spravedlnosti, T-Mobile, HP, malé a střední společnosti, ale můžete ji také potkat na otevřených kurzech.
Zpravidla žádný projekt není černobílý a propojením best practice klient získává skutečnou užitnou hodnotu.
This simulation will help to understand the challenges of scaling up new agile ways of working, what SAFe® is and how your organization can use it to support and enable your agile transformation.
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