Cyber Security Manager

The Cyber Security Manager is responsible for cyber security as a whole. You will learn how to manage security situations, ie managing risks, threats and "switching" from a reactive position to proactive actions. The role is not compatible with the roles responsible for the operation of the information and communication system and with other operational or management roles.

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Cyber Security Manager §181 / 2014 Coll.

According to the law, he is responsible for the design and implementation of security measures within the organization. This course ends with a certification exam and meets all the requirements of the Cyber Security Act. The graduates of the course thus duly fulfilled the legislative obligation of ZoKB.

In practice, the ISMS manager is a kind of intermediate step between the top management - the cyber security management committee (strategic management level) and the operational level.

Duties and tasks of the information security manager:

  • Implements the necessary security measures;
  • Supervises the fulfillment of the tasks set out in the risk management plan;
  • It monitors the effectiveness of the measures and discusses the results with the committee;
  • Informs the Cyber Security Committee about incidents, disagreements;
  • Prepares documents for safety review by the organization's management.
Manažer kybernetické bezpečnosti  §181/2014 Sb.

Key role activities

This course contains the recommended requirements for the Cyber Security Management Committee and the security roles set out in § 6 and 7. You will learn the key activities required to perform the Cyber Security Manager role, which defines:

Decree on Security Measures, Cyber Security Incidents, Reactive Measures, Filing Requirements in the Field of Cyber Security and Data Disposal (Decree on Cyber Security)

  • Responsibility for managing the information security management system.
  • Regular reporting for the top management of the liable person.
  • Regular communication with the top management of the liable person.
  • Submission of Asset and Risk Assessment Reports, Risk Management Plan and Declaration of Applicability to the Cyber Security Management Committee.
  • Providing guidelines for ensuring the security of information in the creation, evaluation, selection, management and termination of supplier relationships in the field of ICT.
  • Communication with GovCERT / CSIRT. Participation in the risk management process. Incident management coordination. Evaluating the suitability and effectiveness of security measures.
Výbor pro řízení kybernetické bezpečnosti a bezpečnostní role

Aims of the course

  • To learn the risk analysis according to Annex No. 1 of Decree 316/2014 Coll.
  • Save costs associated with the implementation of the requirements of the law
  • Show the methodology for a cybernetic manual for organization management
  • Execution of a list of assets (primary and ancillary) for IS that are regulated by CSA
  • Obtain a qualification for the performance of the role according to CSA 181 / 2014 Coll.
  • Implement administrative, procedural and management measures (management of the ZoKB project)


You will gain the necessary knowledge and experience required by Decree Decree No. 82/2018 Coll.

You will master the requirements of the ISO / IEC 27000 series standard and similar standards in the field of security and ICT. You will get an overview in the field of ICT (operating systems, databases, applications, data networks) with an emphasis on security and risk management. 

We will show you how to manage business continuity. You will also learn the relevant legal and regulatory requirements, in particular the law and the context of the liable person

  • You can manage risk within the liable person
  • You will understand risk definitions and risk scenarios
  • You will learn to enforce an information security management system
  • You can interpret the results of risk management and coordinate risk management
Vyhláška č. 82/2018 Sb.


09:00 - 10:30

ISMS according to Cyber Security Act

Determination of scope, assets Safety documentation Organizational and technical measures Security policy

Policy development Compliance with Act 181/2014 Coll.

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

Risk management

Risk management plan, measures Declaration of applicability Criteria for threats and vulnerabilities Org. safety

Determining roles Responsibilities Manager, Auditor, Architect

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 15:00

Security requirements

Supplier audit Requirements analysis The role of suppliers, IS operation Asset management

Identification Records, links, activities 15:00 - 15:15

Coffee break

15:15 - 16:00


Summary Questions, tips

16:00 - 17:00



The Cyber Security Manager is responsible for cyber security as a whole. You will learn how to manage security situations, ie managing risks, threats and "switching" from a reactive position to proactive actions. The role is not compatible with the roles responsible for the operation of the information and communication system and with other operational or management roles.

  • Block duration 90 minutes
  • Hours 8 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam Yes
  • Prerequisites

    Basic knowledge of ISMS (Information Security Management System) according to ISO / IEC 2700

Your security team

The roles listed below will save companies and organizations the time and costs associated with implementing Cyber Security requirements. Clear implementation of the requirements of the Cyber Security Act step by step. You can easily manage the whole project yourself.

Cyber Security Manager

You do not need to know where you come from, you need to know where you are going to adequately manage cyber protection.

Cyber Security Architect 

Proactive security (implemented and functional) is less expensive than reactive. Learn to build architecture.

Cyber Security Auditor

Internal audits maintain better protection against cyber attacks. Gain the know-how of a Cyber Security Auditor.

Marek Mitáček

Accredited trainer, Workshop Leader, Coach, co-author of methodologies and TAYLLORCOX Toolkits (sets of templates and sample forms) for IT Service Management ITSM, Project Management PRINCE2 and cyber security according to ISMS ISO / IEC 27001 and ZoKB.

One of the very first IT auditors in the Czech Republic. His rich practice began in 1996 in the company. GiTyFurtherly spent almost 10 years as an ITIL implementer at Český Telekom and since 2007 he has been a key auditor, accredited trainer at the TAYLLORCOX certification body

  • Český Telekom
  • GiTy - Interní Auditor / Consultant


Vít Lidinský

  • Since 2012, he has been working as a forensic expert in the field of economics, prices and estimates, with a special specialization in information systems and personal data protection.
  • For more than 5 years he was the head of the department. and Chief Executive Officer at the Ministry of Informatics, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the State Treasury Shared Services Center (ICT Departments).
  • He graduated from the Faculty of Business and Economics, majoring in information management - CULS. Here he gradually obtained a master's (Ing.) And doctoral degree (Ph. D.)

Jan Cuřín

Graduate of ČVUT FEL, subsequently a consultant with an international dimension in the field of implementation and optimization of the information management system (ITSM) and cyber (ISMS) security. He applies the acquired experience from the position of an accredited Lead Auditor in the areas of IT Service Management, ISMS and GDPR.

  • Cyber Security standard author
  • Lead Auditor ITSM ISO 20000, ISMS ISO/IEC 27001
  • Approved Trainer & Lead Auditor GDPR (EU 2016/679) dle ISO/IEC 17067


Cyber Security Manager | ISO 17024 accreditation

Certification exam

Preparatory course including certification, which is defined by Decree No. 82/2018 Coll.

The certificate proving the professional competence of security roles meets the requirements of ISO 17024, which is defined by Decree No. 82/2018 Coll. on security measures, cyber security incidents, reactive measures, filing requirements in the field of cyber security and data disposal (Decree on Cyber Security)

As part of the certification, they must demonstrate practical knowledge and skills to implement the ISMS (Information Security Management System) so that it meets legislative requirements and at the same time is in accordance with the ISO / IEC 27001 standard in the current valid version.

Test information

  • Number of uestions: 30
  • Pass mark: 60%
  • Certificate validity: 3 years
  • exam language Czech

More info about certification >

splňuje požadavky ISO 17024.

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 373 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Šimon K.
  • 25.06.24

Vysoká profesionalita lektora, otevřený k otázkám a diskusi, praktické ukázky

  • Michal H.
  • 25.03.24
  • ATS-Telcom

Naprosto výborný, nemám co bych vytkl.

  • Richard M.
  • 26.02.24

Moc se mi líbilo, jak lektor dával do souvislostí požadavky legislativy a ISO standardy.

  • Radomír Š.
  • 29.01.24

Pan Cuřín je zkušený odborník na svém místě. Přivítal bych v budoucnu rozdílový kurz na NIS2

  • Petr K.
  • 29.01.24

S kurzem jsem byl nadmíru spokojený. Pan Cuřín je očividně špička v oboru, jeho projev celkově je velice příjemný, srozumitelný, dobře uchopený. I tak dlouhý výklad tedy "nenudí" a neuspává. Pravidelně nechává prostor pro dotazy a má hodně zkušeností z praxe (to je dle mého hodně důležitý parametr u každého školení)

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 18.12.23

Přehledný úvod do dané problematiky.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 18.12.23

Spokojenost, rád bych měl ve věku školitele stejnou mentální kapacitu i schopnosti.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 11.12.23

Rychle, přehledně i pro někoho kdo se potřebuje zorientovat v české legislativě.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.11.23

Výborné, školitel vysvětlil problematiku  a na praktických příkladech ilustroval jak použít v praxi.

  • Pael D.
  • 20.11.23
  • mBank S.A.

Výborné školení, splnilo očekávání.

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