SCRUM Product Owner

From the "Product Owner" position, you have to do much more than just write user stories and prioritize tasks. As a Product Owner, you are directly responsible for the goals achieved by Stakeholders.

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Target audience

Everyone whose role is to manage the client-supplier relationship or are responsible for the business side of the project.

It can also be recommended to managers who are looking for a way to increase business benefits and optimize project costs.

If the project is to be successful, you must do everything for customer satisfaction and meet the business goals of the project. The SCRUM Product Owner course will teach you to plan and implement effective and efficient measures that are necessary to meet project objectives.

Target group
  • Business Analysts
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Project & Product Managers
Scrum Product Owner

Aims of the course

  • Effectively divide team competencies according to roles
  • Harness the potential of "higher performance" with existing resources
  • Arrange the project between the client and the supplier so that you get more for less money
  • How an agile approach systematically and effectively solves problems with all stakeholders


As a Product Owner, you will be the engine of a successful project

If the role of Product Owner is a new experience for you, you will probably struggle with the competitive demands (time, budget, quality, etc.) of your team and stakeholders.

This course will help you understand how SCRUM works from a Product Owner's perspective and how to influence the team to maximize the benefits of the project. React Time to Key Stages.

  • The acquired knowledge and skills will increase your efficiency;
  • You will not work long hours to keep up with the project life cycle
Scrum Product Owner TAYLLORCOX


Most courses only describe the role and responsibilities of the Product Owner

Very few coaches have practical experience, which they pass on to you with practical examples and life situations. With us, you get professional preparation for real projects.

We will teach you everything you need

  • Roles, activities, artifacts and other activities that are important for the implementation and delivery of the project.
  • You will accurately describe the vision of the project, manage to develop and describe it, divide it into priorities and work continuously with a team that will have immediate feedback from you.


Day 1
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

SCRUM & Agile

  • Introduction to SCRUM
  • SCRUM Team vs. Product Owner
  • Examples / simulations of the role of Product Owner

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

SCRUM Principles

  • Product Backlog
  • SCRUM framework for product design
  • Maxim. return on investment and risk elimination

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 14:45


  • Product Owner Requirements
  • Product Ownership and Product Backlog

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 16:30

SCRUM Product

  • Product roadmap
  • Product visualization
  • Contracts a budgeting

16:30 - 17:00

Conclusion Summary of the day

Day 2
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Open agenda

09:00 - 10:30

SCRUM Visualization

  • The role of SPO in visualization
  • Visualization tools and techniques

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

SCRUM Case Study

  • Value management with the customer
  • Product Owner in product development

12:15 - 13:15


13:15 - 14:45


  • Recap
  • Revision of the test

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee Break

15:00 - 16:30

SCRUM Product Owner Certification

  • Final exam

This intensive 2-day course will teach you how to deal with all the responsibilities you have in the role of Product Owner. How to manage and prioritize product development using SCRUM methodologies. Schedule a Release. Track progress. Participate in Sprint planning, etc ...

  • Block duration 45 minutes
  • Hours 16 hours
  • Refreshments Yes
  • Exam Yes
  • Prerequisites

    As a prerequisite for this course, we recommend the SCRUM Foundation course, in which you will learn the necessary principles and processes of agile methodology, including the project life cycle and all key roles.

Petr Valenta

Skills: tailoring best practices PRINCE2, Scrum, P3O, MSP a MoP včetně embedingu metodiky na konkrétní projekty. Zkušený coach, consultant, auditor voblasti realizace strategií a vedení lidí.


  • Agile consultant
  • Coach ICF / Auditor
  • Scrum Approved Trainer
  • PRINCE2 Approved Trainer
  • Accredited Consultant for PPM Portfolio
  • P3O trainer Project Program Portfolio Manager

Ivan Gašparovič

Professional ITIL, Agile, Project (PRINCE2, PMI), Programme, Portfolio Manager. 

Mia Filipi

International accredited trainer in agile standards such as SCRUM, Kanban, or PRINCE2 Agile.

I have used these methodologies successfully on projects for leading internet portals in real estate, business, services and education. Recently, I focus on practical workshops that have a clear and measurable goal, benefits.

No project is black-and-white, and by linking best practice the client gets real value.

  • 2013 - PRINCE2 Lead Trainer
  • 2012 - 2013 - Agile SCRUM Master / Trainer
  • 2009 - ISO 9001 / 27001 Lead Auditor

ATO Course Confirmation

Accredited Training Organisation TAYLLORCOX

The advantage of our accredited programs is a letter of course attendance which is included in the price of the course! Each graduate will receive a Confirmation of Attendance issued by the TAYLLORCOX Accredited Training Organization within 24 hours after the end of the course.

  • The Certificate in English
  • Upon request, we will provide a court expert's translation
TAYLLORCOX Scrum Product Owner
PeopleCert Scrum Product Owner


The topics in the exam are focused on the management of all stakeholders, ROI, the creation of user scenarios, acceptance criteria for User Stories and the definition of what an "accepted project" is.

  • Duration: 90 min.
  • Number of questions: 40
  • Format: written test
  • Minimum success rate: 65% (26 of 40)
  • Books and electronic aids are not allowed

More about SCRUM certification >

Scrum zkouška a certifikace

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 1114 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Rainer K.
  • 24.05.24

Ivan was very knowledgable and flexible in adjusting content to my sugestion. Excellent!

  • Jan Š.
  • 16.04.24

Kladně hodnotím přístup lektora, způsob prezentace, rozvržení krurzu, příklady z praxe s důrazem na konkrétní aplikace poznatků.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 12.01.24

Kurz vedený interaktivní formou. Velký prostor na otázky účastníků, pro ujasnění problematiky. Výborné.

  • Ondřej H.
  • 12.01.24

Interaktivní vedení kurzu je boží!

  • Tomáš B.
  • 14.11.23

Skvělé a praktické školení pro základní pochopení metodiky.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 14.11.23

Skvěle vedený kurz, motivační vedení, výborný lektor.

  • Tomáš M.
  • 14.11.23

Velmi kladně hodnotím přístup lektora, odhadnutí znalostí studentů a práce s jejich potřebami. Super způsob vedení výuky.

  • Václav Š.
  • 04.10.23
  • Albatros Media a.s.

Perfektní způsob předání zkušeností.  Dynamická a praktická  výuka. Hýčkejte si lektora.

  • Jakub H.
  • 04.10.23
  • Dura-Lina CT s.r.o.

Kurz splnil očekávání a pochopil jsem, co mám dělat jiným způsobem abych vytvářel správné produkty pro správné zákazníky.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 21.07.23

Velmi přínosný a obohacující kurz. Školitel velmi znalý a dokázal vše vysvětlit. Díky tomuto kurzu jsem pochopila, jak pozici product ownera, tak jak SCRUM funguje.

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