Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)

The Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC®) certification by ISACA indicates expertise in identifying and managing enterprise IT risk and implementing and maintaining information systems controls. Gain instant recognition and credibility with CRISC and accelerate your career!

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target Group

  • IT Auditor
  • IT Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • IT Risk Practitioner
Target Group

Course objectives

  • gain technical skills and practices that CRISC promotes
  • designing, implementing, monitoring and maintaining risk-based, efficient and effective IS controls


Whether you are seeking a new career opportunity or striving to grow within your current organization, a CRISC certification proves your expertise in these work-related domains:

IT Risk Identification

IT Risk Management

Risk Response & Mitigation

Risk & Control Monitoring and Reporting

  1. Risk Identification, Assessment and Evaluation
  2. Risk Response
  3. Risk Monitoring
  4. Information Systems Control Design and Implementation
  5. IS Control Monitoring and Maintenance


Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control | ISACA


To become Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), an applicant must, first of all, have a minimum of three years of work experience in IT risk and information systems (IS) control. In addition, he or she must have worked in two of the areas covered by the CRISC domains to include one between Risk Identification and Risk Assessment. Candidates, then, must obtain a passing score on the computer-based CRISC exam:

  • 150 questions
  • 4 hours
  • minimum passing score: 450

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