CompTIA (The Computing Technology Industry Association) je přední světový poskytovatel IT certifikací. S více než 2 miliony IT certifikací vydanými po celém světě je CompTIA odhodlána pomáhat IT profesionálům v digitálně propojeném světě.

Naše kurzy CompTIA lze získat za zlomek ceny!

Core certifications

CompTIA Core Courses

Designed to build core foundational skills, CompTIA offers four Core certifications.

Infrastructure certifications

CompTIA Infrastructure Courses

Designed to complement the Network+ credential, you'll find three Infrastructure certifications.

Cybersecurity certifications

CompTIA Cybersecurity Courses

CompTIA offers three cybersecurity credentials:

Data and Analytics

CompTIA Data and Analytics

As the importance for data analytics grows, more job roles are required to set context and better communicate vital business intelligence.

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