ITIL® 4 Practical Workshop

ITIL 4 brings agile elements with the support of DevOps. The key to the whole framework is now Service Value System. 

We bring a licensed interactive workshop for the practical acquisition of these skills. The scenario is based on IT roles in a software developments environment. The simulation uses a highly realistic environment. It will guide you through the entire life cycle from the design and development of services to their implementation and management.

Virtual Training or e-Learning?

We offer flexibility. You can choose from our selection of in-class courses as well as online courses.

Try a live virtual course

Target Audience

Uses diverse roles from different divisions of the company (Business, Development, Operation, QA, Test and more ..

The interactive workshop can be configured for your department, organizational structure, projects, goals, budgets ... In short, it will fully immerse you in your problems and help you find the ideal approach to IT management both from an internal perspective and in terms of external influences and negative forces.

This highly realistic approach will evoke in each participant the so-called "a-ha moment" to realize the benefits of IT management according to the new ITIL 4 framework, especially from the point of view of the use of agility and devops.

The simulation can therefore be recommended in the following positions:

  • Operations
  • Developemnt
  • IT Project Management
  • Senior Executive, Business
ITIL 4 prakticky

Goals? Show you how great ITIL 4 is!

  • Present Agile and DevOps in ITIL 4
  • Show Service Value System (SVS) usage
  • Communicate clearly the specific benefits in your organization
  • Build highly effective teams for managing IT Service Management
  • Accelerate the successful implementation of ITIL in your organization
  • Communicate the benefits of ITIL, change the opponent of ITIL 4 attorney

1 day, 3 rounds

Experience the best of a 24-month agile IT transformation project in 8 hours.

Round 1

Participants quickly immerse themselves in the scenario of developing complex applications.

Chaos is followed by poor communication and insufficient collaboration, which results in poor business results, higher development costs, longer trial periods and more.

As a result, opportunities are lost and revenue is negatively impacted.

Round 2

Round 2 begins with a review to identify issues and discuss how they can improve with the help of the ITIL and DevOps agile elements.

You will gradually learn to implement and set up processes such as service virtualization, product iteration, how to more quickly evaluate failures and change attitudes.

Overall, the team will begin to build a more efficient environment, improve collaboration, and use automation. The overall culture of the company now significantly improves business results.

Round 3

Following the results and knowledge from the 1st and 2nd rounds, the participants will learn to instill agile and devops to achieve the ideal state.

The whole team will significantly improve in shortening the development time and eliminate the number of errors and risks, compared to the previous situation in round 1.

Thanks to better collaboration, streamlining processes, automation and the use of DevOps + Agile, participants will learn to make decisions with a better return on investment and optimize results.


Ivan Gašparovič

Professional ITIL, Agile, Project (PRINCE2, PMI), Programme, Portfolio Manager. 

3 case studies

Who and why used this simulation in their company?

Telco operator: implemented 20 simulations for senior managers in order to prepare 2,500 employees for agile transformation

CA (IT company): the simulation helps to identify strengths and weaknesses and to design software solutions based on the outputs of the simulation

Ford: instead of the ITIL Foundation training, 100 workshops were held worldwide. The simulation helped to successfully adopt ITIL.

ITIL 4 workshop

Learn the right habits

From leading TAYLLORCOX trainers / consultants who have gained experience and qualifications in the UK.

96% of managers confirmed that the course helped them to streamline their work and improve the quality of outputs.

97% is the evaluation of the quality of coaches, teaching methods, and materials from our graduates.

98% of participants in our project, program and portfolio management training recommend the course further.

Graduate ratings

Excellent review from 1808 reviewers

What makes our references exceptional? They are not one-off events. Clients come back to us regularly.

  • Jiří B.
  • 16.07.19
  • Blueberry

Nejlepší business simulace, kterou jsem zažil. Propracovaný herní mechanismus a přesah metodiky DevOps.

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 16.07.19
  • Freelancer


  • Jana S.
  • 16.07.19
  • ComAp

Živé, zábavné, člověk byl opravdu součástí hry. Palec nahoru :o))

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 16.07.19
  • KPMG

Pro mě velmi užitečné školení, které mi dalo alespoň základní náhled jak funguje DevOps, a jak se dá ITIL použít v praxi. 

  • Tomáš S.
  • 16.07.19
  • Fortuna

Zajímavé aktivní zapojení / rozdíl v první a druhé fázi. 

  • GDPR Anonymizováno
  • 16.07.19
  • KPMG

Neplánovaná první část kurzu pomohla rozproudit diskuzi "hození do vody" v prvním kole ukázka typické chyby. 

  • Dušan P.
  • 16.07.19
  • Správa základních registrů

Splnil očekávání, nové poznatky. 

  • Dan H.
  • 16.07.19
  • Blueberry

Maximálně jsem si to užil. 

  • Lenka Z.
  • 16.07.19
  • Freelancer

Naprosto TOP simulace o:), skvělý příklad a ukázka toho jak DevOps funguje v praxi. Vede a jak optimalizuje procesy, šetří náklady a zvyšuje zisk.

  • Daniel H.
  • 16.07.19
  • Digiteq Automotive

Skvělé, energické, poučné. 

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