CREST - CRT Certification (Registered Penetration Tester)

The CREST Registered Penetration Tester (CRT) course will advance candidates' skills to penetrate computer systems or networks effectively and professionally to evaluate their security and detect potential vulnerabilities, and protect their business from attacks.

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target Audience

This course is ideal if you are an intermediate-level cyber security professional interested in safely consolidating and practicing your skills using ethical hacking tools, and advance the necessary techniques to fulfil security testing responsibilities. These roles include:

  • Information Security Specialists
  • Cyber Security Specialists
  • (Cyber) Security Consultants
  • Vulnerability Assessors
  • Penetration Testers
  • Ethical Hackers
  • Red Team/Penetration Testing team members
Target Audience


  • Evaluate host-based security products and how those products reduce vulnerability to exploitation
  • Carry out attack and defense operations for the purpose of exercises and vulnerability assessment and detection
  • Demonstrate effective use of current tools and techniques used by industry-qualified cyber security penetration testers

Learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate effective use of current tools and techniques used by industry-qualified cyber security penetration testers.
  • Use tools, techniques, and procedures to remotely exploit and establish persistence on a target.
  • Analyse tools and frameworks that are most readily available to hackers seeking to attack an organisation.
  • Identify and analyse physical, functional or behavioural relationships to develop understanding of attackers and their objectives.
  • Evaluate host-based security products and how those products reduce vulnerability to exploitation.
  • Assess the robustness of security systems and designs.
  • Prioritise the various risks associated with security testing.
  • Carry out attack and defense operations for the purpose of exercises and vulnerability assessment and detection.
  • Manage senior stakeholders.
  • Create and present clear and concise technical documentation to technical and non-technical third parties.
Learning outcomes


Information Gathering

Network Mapping and Target Identification; OS Fingerprinting; Application Fingerprinting and Evaluating Unknown; ServicesFile System Permissions; Domain Name System; Management Protocols

Windows Services, Enumerations and Exploitations

Domain Reconnaissance; System Users Enumeration; Windows Active Directory; Common Windows Application and Windows Vulnerability

Linux Services, Enumerations and Exploitations

User Enumeration; Unix Vulnerabilities; FTP Security Assessment; Sendmail / SMTP; Network File System (NFS); R* Services; X11 Service; RPC services; SSH

Web Application Technologies and their Vulnerabilities

Web Site Structure Discovery; Web Servers & their Flaws; Websites and Application Servers; Structure Discovery; Cross Site Scripting Attacks; SQL Injection

Database Enumeration and Vulnerabilities

MySQL Database; MS SQL Database; Oracle Database; Oracle RDBMS

CRT Practice Exam Preparation PGI Assessment

By the end of this training, you will be able to demonstrably use both new and existing skills to penetrate computer systems or networks effectively and professionally—using realistic threat techniques—to evaluate their security and detect potential vulnerabilities.

  • Délka bloku 45 minut
  • Vyučovacích hodin 40 hodin
  • Občerstvení Yes
  • Zkouška Yes
  • Předpoklady

    Výuka probíhá ve virtuálním prostředí, do kterého se připojíte vlastním notebookem. V případě, že nemáte k dispozici, zajistíme na vyžádání.


To attend this course, you should have a good understanding of the technical aspects of IT with at least one year's experience in network or server administration.

CREST Practitioner Security Analyst (CPSA) Exam

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Passing score: 72/120 (60%)
  • Format: Multiple choice, closed book

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