Boundaryless Information FlowTM

1. Ochranná známka společnosti The Open Group.

2. Přístup k informacím za účelem podpory a zlepšování business procesů. Architektura, která umožňuje Boundaryless Information FlowTM využívá otevřených standardů a služeb vně i uvnitř organizace a poskytuje konzistentní a zabezpečené informace všude, kde je to potřebné.

Boundaryless Information FlowTM

1. A trademark of The Open Group.

2. A shorthand representation of “access to integrated information to support business process improvements” representing a desired state of an enterprise's infrastructure specific to the business needs of the organization. An infrastructure that provides Boundaryless Information Flow has open standard components that provide services in a customer's extended enterprise that combine multiple sources of information, securely deliver the information whenever and wherever it is needed, in the right context for the people or systems using that information.

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